:: An Yves St. Laurent afternoon ::

For those of you reading who know me personally, you know that getting up early isn’t really something I do…ever. But I dragged myself out of bed this morning to head to the Yves St. Laurent exhibit at the de Young Museum in San Francisco. And I am SO glad that I did.

I was so blown away by the ambiance, the collections, the craftmanship, and the creativity that stood before me today; I just wanted to share with you the awesome expierience that my boyfriend was kind enough to share with me 🙂 Mind you: fashion is not his “thing,”–but being the sweetheart he is, he walked the whole exhibit with me, asked questions, and learned about something I love. He even surprised me with Style; a literary collection of photos, stories, and sketches from YSL he bought at the gift shop when I wasn’t looking. Love him.

Anyway, back to the exhibit! In a word: amazing. See for yourself….






If you can get there tomorrow, go. Sadly, tomorrow is the last day the exhibit will be available to the public, hence my early morning adventure. The exhibit will remain open until 5:15pm.

Seeing the works in person was just incredible, and so inspiring. Any fashion lover would be sad to miss it. I wish I could have stayed longer before rushing off to work, but the two hours I spent at the de Young today were fabulous.

A fabulous afternoon and a piece of fashion history explored, I feel that my Saturday is complete.

xoxo SBK

~ by stuffbykate on April 5, 2009.

2 Responses to “:: An Yves St. Laurent afternoon ::”

  1. have had this on my to-do list for MONTHS. Then I forgot about it. Then I just saw a few days ago that it’s about to end! I am so pissed I forgot about it. Now I want to go tomorrow but am afraid it will be super crowded for the last day.

    Your pictures are amazing. I am going to try my best to go tomorrow. I will need a lot of caffeine to get up early!

  2. Incredible!! Wishing I lived closer to San Francisco!!
    I love YSL, and am hoping that maybe one day the exhibit will travel down to LA:)
    I am sure it was inspiring to see that kind of design and craftsmanship up close!
    Great post:)

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